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Technical abstractThe diffusion of voluntary agreements can be considered as the result of the innovation of environmental policies based on a new style of interaction between public and private actors.As the environmental problems complexity increases, an evolution of interaction model occurs.The literature on environmental policy innovation shows in a clear way that the use of voluntary agreements and their real capability to produce relevant effects are strictly linked to the innovation paths of environmental policies, policy styles and policy networks. In this paper we will focus our attention on the evolution of the model of interaction between public and economic actors as the key element to evaluate voluntary agreements effectiveness in policy targets reaching.
Non technical abstractThe diffusion of voluntary agreements can be considered as the result of the innovation of environmental policies based on a new style of interaction between public and private actors.As the environmental problems complexity increases, an evolution of interaction model occurs.A change in the interaction forms also implies a change in the ways actors face problems and consequently in the ways they think and act. The resulting policy implementation structure is an effect of the participation and co-operation degree of a number of actors (public bodies at the national and local level, economic actors, citizens and environmental associations etc.).And it is also a consequence of the nature of actors and of actors' roles and resources into the decision-making process.The literature on environmental policy innovation shows in a clear way that the use of voluntary agreements and their real capability to produce relevant effects are strictly linked to the innovation paths of environmental policies, policy styles and policy networks. In this paper we will focus our attention on the evolution of the model of interaction between public and economic actors as the key element to evaluate voluntary agreements effectiveness in policy targets reaching. The effectiveness analysis proposed refers to the instrument capability to effectively create new policy communities and networks and to the conditions under which the networks can operate and develop effective decision-making processes.This choice of analysis reflects also the need to better understand the recent evolution in the use of voluntary agreements in Italy, where in the end of 1998 the Italian Gover...