Abstract. Mobile-Geographic Information System (GIS) is one of the dimensions of these enhancements, which, due to its flexibility, its simplicity with traditional GIS systems, the need for less expertise and low cost, has brought this technology into a variety of areas. Mobile technologies using mobile devices is proving to be a more effective implementation for crime detection and monitoring. Mobile-GIS are operating within a wider range of GIS technologies, wireless technologies, and global positioning technology. The ability to use this system to report crime and control crime in cities has led different countries to use this system for easier and less costly reporting of citizens, and many developed countries use Mobile-GIS technology to do this. And they use this technology depending on their needs. In this research, Mobile-GIS applications in the five developed countries of the world are being studied and their disadvantages and advantages are discussed, and finally, regarding to society safety the possibilities and necessity of police department to develop such programs are discussed. In this study, we are proposing a crime reporting and management model using GIS technologies and review the all possibility and limitation to implementation are confronted in order to mitigate the challenges are faced by most developing countries in reducing the crime rates. A conceptual plan for constructing such a program in the police department has been proposed, which is suggested by using systems like Real-time kinematic (RTK) to improve the user's location to increase accuracy.