face model to render more detailed images. In particular, we fuse the neural and physical renderings to compensate for the imperfect inversion, resulting in both realistic and view-consistent novel perspective images.In relighting stage, previous works Sun et al. 2019] focus on single view portrait relighting but ignoring consistency between different perspectives as well, leading unstable and inconsistent lighting effects for view changes. We extend to fix this problem by unifying its multi-view input normal maps with the physical face model. NARRATE conducts relighting with consistent normal maps, imposing crossview constraints and exhibiting stable and coherent illumination effects.We experimentally demonstrate that NARRATE achieves more photorealistic, reliable results over prior works. We further bridge NARRATE with animation and style transfer tools, supporting pose change, light change, facial animation, and style transfer, either separately or in combination, all at a photographic quality. We showcase vivid free-view facial animations as well as 3D-aware relightable stylization, which help facilitate various AR/VR applications like virtual cinematography, 3D video conferencing, and post-production.