Introduction: Sigmoid volvulus is a common cause of mechanical intestinal obstruction in surgical services that, if not treated in time, can progress to necrosis and perforation. Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics of a case of intestinal obstruction due to complicated sigmoid volvulus. Clinical Case: 21-year-old male patient who comes to the clinic with symptoms of asymmetrical distention and intense, diffuse, colic-like abdominal pain with the association of nausea and profuse vomiting, with a bilious appearance where he reports not expelling gas and feces through the rectum. 5 days ago evolution. Semiotechnically, the pain was persistent, diffuse throughout the abdomen, intense, stabbing, not relieved with analgesics, without other accompanying symptoms. Laboratory and imaging studies were performed, the results were suggestive of a complicated small bowel mechanical obstructive syndrome. Surgical treatment was decided, almost total ileal volvulus was diagnosed. Conclusions: The diagnosis of small intestine volvulus requires a high index of suspicion. The treatment is eminently surgical; Intestinal resection of the affected segment is required whenever the intestinal tissue is not viable.