VWF is a large multimeric glycoprotein that was identified through its association with an inherited bleeding disorder first described by physician, Erik von Willebrand in 1926. 1 Bleeding disorder associated with VWF is known as von Willebrand disease (VWD) and has been the leading influence in identification, characterization, and determination of function for VWF molecule. VWD, which has been the subject of many excellent reviews periodically, can be broadly classified into categories that represent qualitative (type II) or quantitative (type I and III) deficiencies of VWF. [2][3][4][5] In either case, VWF deficiency is the culprit leading to prolonged bleeding phenotype, some forms of which are reminiscent of hemophilia that arise as a result of coagulation factor VIII deficiency. 6,7 The phenotypic consequences of VWF deficiency were instrumental in early studies that established the major role of VWF in hemostasis. 8 The two major functions of VWF have been long established as: (a) mediator of platelet adhesion and aggregate formation at the site of vascular injury, leading to formation of platelet plugs to seal the damaged vessel wall and (b) functioning as carrier for factor VIII, thus prolonging its half-life in circulation. 8-10 Although severe deficiencies of VWF clearly correlated to significant bleeding disorders, milder deficiencies were also identified that manifested only as a result of hemostatic challenges, such as surgeries, or menorrhagia. 3,11,12 Wide variation in VWF levels among healthy population hinders diagnosis of mild VWD, but also made it difficult to appreciate potential pathological consequences of high levels of VWF. [13][14][15][16] Nevertheless, based on structural and functional characteristics of the VWF, a potential role for VWF in diseases associated with increased thrombogenicity was not unexpected. Several clinical studies had reported a correlation between elevated levels of VWF and prothrombotic diseases specifically in high-risk populations, including heart disease and stroke; however, direct evidence beyond associations was lacking. [17][18][19][20][21] Discovery of VWF cleaving enzyme, ADAMTS13, and demonstration of its dysfunction in TTP provided clear evidence that excessive VWF levels contribute to undesired thrombogenicity. [22][23][24] Physiological balance of VWF levels is highly regulated through its expression, storage and release in one hand, and clearance on the other hand. 25,26 If this balance is disturbed in favor of sustained increased levels of VWF, as in TTP, it leads to significant undesired thrombogenicity. 27 The potential for VWF association with increased thrombogenicity is clearly consistent with its role as a mediator of platelet aggregate formation, which is the first and central step in thrombus formation. 28 However, based on highly adhesive properties of VWF, its participation in other pathophysiological conditions, specifically those that involve cell adhesion to the vascular wall, has been considered.These include processes that participate...