In patients with insulin-dependent diabetes niellitus (IDDM), microalbuminuria is a predictor of widespread severe microangiopathy and maeroangiopathy. Patients with microalbuniimiria show generalized dysfunction of tiie vascular endothelium, but it Is unknown whether endothelial dysfunction precedes the development of mi croalbuminuria. We examined a cohort of 17 IDDM pa tients at baseline and on three occasions during a follow-up of (median) 64 months (range 51-89 permeability, the balance between coagulation and fibrino lysis, the composition of the subendothelial matrix, and the mitogenesis of vascular smooth muscle and renal mesangial cells (4-6). In cross-sectional studies in IDDM, there is a close association between microalbuminuria and endothelial dysfunction. Thus, in patients with microalbuminuria, the vascular endothelium tends to increase, rather than deerease, vascular resistance (7,8); fails to restrict the passage of macromolecules (1,3); and loses its anticoagulant and profibrinolytic properties (9,10). In addition, there is an increase in the plasma concentration of markers of endothe lial injury and dysfunction, such as von Willebrand factor (vWF) (9,11), a glycoprotein involved in primary hemostasis and secreted mainly by endothelial cells.Some aspects of endothelial function have been reported to be disturbed in IDDM patients with normal urinary albumin excretion (UAE) (12-15), but whether these are of prognostic significance is not known. Answering that ques tion is important because it would increase our knowledge about the pathogenesis of microalbuminuria and allow early recognition of high-risk patients. Therefore, we wished to investigate whether endothelial dysfunction precedes the occurrence of microalbuminuria. To do this, we followed a group of IDDM. patients and measured UAE and plasma vWF concentration at regular intervals (as an estimate of endo thelial function). n insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), mi croalbuminuria predicts the development not only of diabetic nephropathy, but also of severe retinopathy, neuropathy, hypertension, and macro vascular disease (1,2). Microalbuminuria is thought to be a marker of wide spread vascular damage (1,3), which may underlie the pro pensity of microalbuminuria patients to develop severe extrarenal vascular disease.The endothelium is mi important locus of control of vascular functions. It actively regulates vascular tone and Received for publication 10 November UHM and accepted in revised form li)January IW H.ANOVA, analysis of variance; HP, blood pressure; BMI, body mass index; IDDM, iasuliiMlopendent diabetes mellitus; NIDDM, non-insuliiMlepondom diabetes mel litus; UAE, urinary albuntin excretion; vWP, von Willebrand factor.