The accidental degeneracy of various ground states of a fully frustrated XY model with a honeycomb lattice is shown to survive even when the free energy of the harmonic fluctuations is taken into account. The reason for that consists in the existence of a hidden gauge symmetry between the Hamiltonians describing the harmonic fluctuations in all these ground states. A particular vortex pattern is selected only when anharmonic fluctuations are taken into account. However, the observation of vortex ordering requires relatively large system size L ≫ Lc > ∼ 10 5 .PACS numbers: 74.81. Fa, 64.60.Cn, A fully frustrated XY model can be defined by the Hamiltonianwhere J > 0 is the coupling constant, the fluctuating variables ϕ i are defined on the sites i of some regular two-dimensional lattice, and the summation is performed over the pairs of nearest neighbors (ij) on this lattice. The non-fluctuating (quenched) variables A ij ≡ −A ji defined on lattice bonds have to satisfy the constraint A ij = π (mod 2π) (where the summation is performed over the perimeter of a plaquette) on all plaquettes of the lattice.For two decades such models (on various lattices) have been extensively studied [1] in relation with experiments on Josephson junction arrays [2], in which ϕ i can be associated with the phase of the superconducting order parameter on the i-th superconducting grain, and A ij is related to the vector potential of a perpendicular magnetic field, whose magnitude corresponds to a half-integer number of superconducting flux quanta per lattice plaquette. Planar magnets with odd number of antiferromagnetic bonds per plaquette [3] are also described by fully frustrated XY models. Recently, the active interest in fully frustrated Josephson arrays has been related to their possible application for creation of topologically protected quantum bits [4,5].The ground states of the fully frustrated XY models are characterized by the combination of the continuous U (1) degeneracy (related with the possibility of the simultaneous rotation of all phases) and discrete degeneracy related with the distribution of positive and negative half-vortices between the lattice plaquettes. Since vortices of the same sign repel each other, the energy is minimized when the vorticities of the neighboring plaquettes are of the opposite sign. In the case of a square lattice this requirement is fulfilled for all pairs of neigboring plaquettes when the vortices of different signs form a regular checkerboard pattern [3]. Analogous pattern, in which the vorticities of the neighboring plaquettes are always of the opposite sign, can be constructed in the case of a triangular lattice [6,7].In the case of a honeycomb lattice it is impossible to construct a configuration in which the vorticities are of the opposite sign for all pairs of neighboring plaquettes. As a consequence, the discrete degeneracy of the ground state turns out to be much more developed [8,9], and can be described in terms of formation of zero-energy domain walls in parallel to each other [10]...