New measurements of second sound attenuation in bulk fowing He H are reported which extend to a region of higher Reynolds number An expression for the attenuation explicitly containing the quantum vortex line density is developed which allows comparison with vortex line density data taken by other means. A bellows driven experimental apparatus is used to produce bulk flow velocities of O to I m/sec in a channel of 4.064 mm square internal cross section. Second sound pulses are produced by applying a square voltage pulse 200 izs width and variable height to a strain gauge heater. The second sound pulses are detected with thin film sensors mounted 56 and 119 mm downstream. The velocity-dependent attenuation, measured as a function of bulk flow velocity at 1.5, 1.8, and 2.OK, is compared with data from other researchers. The attenuation, and thus the vortex line density, appears to follow a gradual transition from laminar to turbulent behavior Current theories do not account for the presence of quantized vortices in bulk flowing He II, where (~n --iSs) : O, and thus do not explain the observed second sound attentuation in this regime.