We describe a geometric phase that arises when two elliptical vortex patches corotate. Using the Hamiltonian moment model of Melander, Zabusky, and Styczek ͓J. Fluid Mech. 167, 95-115 ͑1986͔͒ we consider two corotating uniform elliptical patches evolving according to the second order truncated equations of the model. The phase is computed in the adiabatic setting of a slowly varying Hamiltonian as in the work of Hannay ͓J. Phys. A 18, 221-230 ͑1985͔͒ and Berry ͓Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 392, 45-57 ͑1984͔͒. We also discuss the geometry of the symplectic phase space of the model in the context of nonadiabatic phases. The adiabatic phase appears in the orientation angle of each patch-it is similiar in form and is calculated using a multiscale perturbation procedure as in the point vortex configuration of Newton ͓Physica D 79, 416-423 ͑1994͔͒ and Shashikanth and Newton ͓J. Nonlinear Sci. 8, 183-214 ͑1998͔͒, however, an extra factor due to the internal stucture of the patch is present. The final result depends on the initial orientation of the patches unlike the phases in the works of Hannay and Berry ͓J. Phys. A 18, 221-230 ͑1985͔͒; ͓Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A 392, 45-57 ͑1984͔͒. We then show that the adiabatic phase can be interpreted as the holonomy of a connection on the trivial principal fiber bundle :T 2 ϫS 1 →S 1 , where T 2 is identified with the product of the momentum level sets of two Kirchhoff vortex patches and S 1 is diffeomorphic to the momentum level set of two point vortex motion. This two point vortex motion is the motion that the patch centroids approach in the adiabatic limit.