Relaxation of the intergranular critical state has been observed at a very low applied magnetic ®eld (10±50 Oe) over a temperature regime of 20±77 K in bulk polycrystalline YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7Àx (YBCO) and Bi 1X75 Pb 0X35 Sr 2 Ca 2 Cu 3 O 10x (BPSCCO) samples. In such a disordered Josephson junction network, the relaxation is slower than the intragranular relaxation and, hence, it yields higher¯ux pinning energy U 0 than the corresponding intragranular values. Silver addition seems to have given rise to much uniformity in the grain boundary characteristics which results in sharp drop in the¯ux pinning energy since it depends on the variation of the junction coupling energy E J across the network. While U 0 % 0X5 and 0.55 eV for the parent BPSCCO and YBCO samples, respectively, in silver added (10±15 wt.%) samples the corresponding values are $0.15 and $0.27 eV. The distribution functions mU for the¯ux pinning energy and nh for the grain boundary misalignment angle h have been evaluated from the experimentally observed patterns of magnetic relaxation and variation of the grain boundary critical ®elds with temperature. The distribution functions become narrower in the case of silver added samples re¯ecting a reduction in the degree of disorder. The variation of the eective vortex mass m à with the variation in the degree of disorder is observed. Considering the width of the superconducting transition DT c as the measure of the degree of disorder (inhomogeneity), it has been shown that the transport critical current density J c follows a relationship J c $ expÀDT c while the pinning energy U $ DT c . These relations may help in devising a suitable strategy for achieving the desired eect: high J c yet slower decay rate, i.e., large U. Ó