We demonstrate that the confinement of half-quantized vortices (HQVs) in coherently coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) simulates certain aspects of the confinement in SU (2) quantum chromodynamics (QCD) in 2+1 space-time dimensions. By identifying the circulation of superfluid velocity as the baryon number and the relative phase between two components as a dual gluon, we identify HQVs in a single component as electrically charged particles with a half baryon number. Further, we show that only singlet states of the relative phase of two components can stably exist as bound states of vortices, that is, a pair of vortices in each component (a baryon) and a pair of a vortex and an antivortex in the same component (a meson). We then study the dynamics of a baryon and meson; baryon is static at the equilibrium and rotates once it deviates from the equilibrium, while a meson moves with constant velocity. For both baryon and meson we verify a linear confinement and determine that they are broken, thus creating other baryons or mesons in the middle when two constituent vortices are separated by more than some critical distance, resembling QCD.
I. INTRODUCTIONIn modern elementary particle physics, one of the most important and difficult problems is the confinement of quarks (and gluons) in quantum chromodynamics (QCD). What we daily observe in nature at low energy are not elementary constituents, that is, quarks and gluons but they are strongly confined to form hadrons. There are two types of hadrons: baryons, consisting of only quarks, and mesons, consisting of quarks and antiquarks. Various baryons and mesons can exist because there are several species (called as flavors) of quarks, such as up (u) and down (d). The widely accepted explanation of the confinement is that chromo-electric flux from a quark is squeezed to form a flux tube in a dual superconductor, in which magnetic monopoles are condensed [1][2][3]. Thus, the interaction energy between (anti-)quarks is proportional to the distance between them; this is a salient signal of the confinement. Although the explanation is quite plausible, it is difficult to prove it. Therefore, many studies have been conducted for QCD-like theories.From among these studies, Polyakov [4] made an important remark using a duality about a U (1) gauge theory in 2+1 space-time dimensions; this can be obtained as the low-energy limit of an SU (2) gauge theory with a triplet scalar field. The duality mentioned here is the one between the XY and Abelian-Higgs models in 2 + 1 dimensions [5,6], providing insights for understanding the fractional quantum Hall effect [7], Mott transitions [8], etc. As a photon has only one polarization in three spece-time dimensions, it can be dualized to the so-called dual photon (a periodic scalar field) θ ∈ [0, 2π) defined throughUnder the duality relation, electrically charged bosons in the original theory are interchanged by vortices in θ. The dual photon is massless in the perturbation theory but it gets mass m dp through nonperturbative monopole e...