[1] The present paper deals with wave plus current flow over a fixed rippled bed. More precisely, modifications of the current profiles due to the superimposition of orthogonal cylindrical waves have been investigated experimentally. Since the experimental setup permitted only the wave dominated regime to be investigated (i.e., the regime where orbital velocity is larger than current velocity), also a numerical k-e turbulence closure model has been developed in order to study a wider range of parameters, thus including the current dominated regime (i.e., where current velocity is larger than wave orbital one). In both cases a different response with respect to the flat bed case has been found. Indeed, in the flat bed case laminar wave boundary layers in a wave dominated regime induce a decrease in bottom shear stresses, while the presence of a rippled bed behaves as a macroroughness, which causes the wave boundary layer to become turbulent and therefore the current velocity near the bottom to be smaller than the one in the case of current only, with a consequent increase in the current bottom roughness.