Abstract. In a noncentral heavy-ion collision, the two colliding nuclei have a finite angular momentum in the direction perpendicular to the reaction plane. After the collision, a fraction of the total angular momentum is retained in the produced hot quark-gluon matter and is manifested in the form of fluid shear. Such fluid shear creates finite flow vorticity. We study some features of such generated vorticity, including its strength, beam energy dependence, centrality dependence, and spatial distribution.
IntroductionRelativistic heavy-ion collisions provide us with the environments in which we can study the strongly interacting matter under unusual conditions, like extremely high temperature [1] and extremely strong magnetic field [2,3]. Recently, it was realized that noncentral heavy-ion collisions can also generate finite flow voriticty and thus provide us with a chance to study quark-gluon matter under local rotation [4,5,6,7]. The mechanism of the generation of finite vorticity is simple. In a noncentral heavyion collision, the two colliding nuclei have a finite angular momentum in the direction perpendicular to the reaction plane, J 0 ∼ Ab √ s NN /2, with A the number of nucleons in one nucleus, b the impact parameter, and √ s NN the center-of-mass energy of a pair of colliding nucleons. After the collision, a fraction of the total angular momentum is retained in the produced partonic matter which we will call the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). This fraction of angular momentum manifests itself as a shear of the longitudinal momentum density and thus nonzero local vorticity arises. In hydrodynamics, the vorticity represents the local angular velocity, and its existence in heavy-ion collisions may induce a number of intriguing phenomena, for example, the chiral vortical effect (CVE) [8], the chiral vortical wave (CVW) [9], and the global polarization of quarks and Λ baryons [10,11,12,13,14,15].