As reconnection begins and the enstrophy Z grows for two configurations, helical trefoil knots and anti-parallel vortices, two regimes of self-similar collapse are observed. First, during trefoil reconnection a new √ νZ scaling, ν viscosity, is identified before any ǫ = νZ dissipation scaling begins. Further rescaling shows linearly decreasing B ν (t) = (at configuration dependent crossing times t x . Gaps in the vortex structures identify the t x as when reconnection ends and collapse onto ν-independent curves can be obtained using). The critical times T c (ν) are identified empirically by extrapolating the linear B ν (t) regimes to B ∼ ν (T c ) = 0, yielding an A ν (t) collapse collapse that forms early as ν varies by 256. These solutions are regular or non-singular, as shown by decreasing cubic velocity norms u L 3 ℓ . For the anti-parallel vortices, first there is an exchange of circulation, from Γ y (y = 0) to Γ z (z = 0), mediated by the viscous circulation exchange integral ǫ Γ (t), which is followed by a modified B ν (t) collapse until the reconnection ends at t x . Singular Leray scaling and mathematical bounds for higherorder Sobolev norms are used to help explain the origins of the new scaling and why the domain size ℓ has to increase to maintain the collapse of A ν (t) and ǫ Γ as ν decreases.
BackgroundWhen numerical calculations are used to explore fundamental questions about the nonlinear growth of turbulence, the numerics should be appropriate for how those questions were formulated mathematically. For questions that are posed in Sobolev spaces, corresponding to truncated Fourier series, periodic calculations would appear ideal. However, when the question is posed in the whole space, that is R 3 , localised aperiodic initial states would be more appropriate.This report will apply a Fourier-based code to two configurations with global helicities H at opposite extremes. Aperiodic, maximal H, trefoil vortex knots and H ≡ 0 antiparallel vortices, both with significant perturbations. Trefoil vortex knots have been the subject of recent experiments (Scheeler et al. 2014) and simulations (Kerr 2017) and the type of perturbed anti-parallel calculations used here have a long history (Melander & Hussain 1989; Kerr 2013a,b). The trefoil calculations were originally designed to address the intriguing experimental claim that the global helicity (1.6) was preserved during reconnections, which Kerr (2017) has confirmed through the first reconnection.Equally significant, as ν is decreased and the domains are increased, the simulated volume-integrated enstrophies Z, defined by (1.5), linearly converge at a ν-independent time t = t x when scaled using B ν (t) = √ νZ(t) −1/2 with a common B x = B ν (t x ) .(1.1)The three-dimensional graphics showed the first reconnection ending at t x .