Vehicle in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) broadcasts beacons about their traffic status wirelessly for improving traffic safety and efficiency. Before deployment of the VANET system, problems related to security and privacy should be carefully addressed. In this paper, we propose a lightweight authentication with conditional privacy-preserving scheme for guaranteeing secure communication in VANET. The proposed scheme is suitable for addressing issues related to security and privacy because it combines the tamper-proof device (TPD) based schemes with the roadside unit (RSU) based schemes. Based on elliptic curve cryptography, the proposed scheme preloads the initial public parameters and keys of the system in each TPD of RSU instead of the TPD of the on-border unit (OBU). Furthermore, the proposed scheme not only achieve security and privacy requirements but also resists common security attacks. The performance evaluation shows that the proposed scheme has a lower cost compared with other existing schemes in terms of computation cost and communication cost. INDEX TERMS Authentication, tamper proof device (TPD), privacy-preserving, vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs). I. INTRODUCTION Recently, the intelligent transportation system (ITS) has attracted more deliberate attention from the motor industry, academia, and even government in recent years since it is reducing traffic congestion, enhancing driving efficiency, improving traffic safety, minimizing environmental pollution and providing convenience [1], [2]. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are an entity of ITS with a fully a selforganizing wireless ad hoc communication system containing vehicles equipped with onboard unit (OBU), a trusted authority (TA) which preloads the initial public parameters of the VANET, and a road side unit (RSU) deployed at intersections in country, as presented in Figure 1. The communications types in VANETs contain two main modes: vehicle-tovehicle (V2V) communication and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communication [3], [4]. Dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) protocol is an open wireless technology which allows the vehicle for FIGURE 1: A typical VANET scenario. processing, receiving, broadcasting and communicating with each other or nearby RSU and exchanging messages such as