We discuss a realization of the bosonic string as a noncritical W 3 -string. The relevant noncritical W 3 -string is characterized by a Liouville sector which is restricted to a (non-unitary) (3, 2) W 3 minimal model with central charge contribution c l = −2. Furthermore, the matter sector of this W 3 -string contains 26 free scalars which realize a critical bosonic string. The BRST operator for this W 3 -string can be written as the sum of two, mutually anticommuting, nilpotent BRST operators: Q = Q 0 + Q 1 in such a way that the scalars which realize the bosonic string appear only in Q 0 while the central charge contribution of the fields present in Q 1 equals zero. We argue that, in the simplest case that the Liouville sector is given by the identity operator only, the Q 1 -cohomology is given by a particular (non-unitary) (3, 2) Virasoro minimal model at c = 0.