北海道大学大学院工学研究院(〒060-8628 札幌市北区北13条西8丁目) 2 学生員 修(工) 北海道大学大学院工学研究院(〒060-8628 札幌市北区北13条西8丁目) 3 正会員 工博 北海道大学大学院工学研究院教授(〒060-8628 札幌市北区北13条西8丁目) 4 正会員 工博 北海道大学大学院工学研究院准教授(〒060-8628 札幌市北区北13条西8丁目) Flood in rivers is a common disaster all over the world. If a levee breach happens, it sometimes causes a fatal disaster. In addition, many buildings, urban facilities, lifelines, etc. are seriously damaged. Detailed mechanism of a levee breach has not been clarified yet. Therefore, it is important to predict the collapsing process of riverbank and behavior of overtop flow for reducing damage. We applied a two-dimensional shallow flow computational model to levee breach phenomena caused by overflow and the performance of the model was elucidated. A calibration of the numerical model is made through the comparison with field experimental data. Recently, a real-scale experiment on a levee breach was carried out at the Chiyoda Experimental Channel in Hokkaido, Japan. We performed the computation under the same conditions in the experiment. The computational results showed the excellent performance for simulating levee breach phenomena.