1013niiniber of tars csiitiiitied, tnlilas of t h e iiyrctliciits of seven \vcrc sliown.Tlic work, snid Prof. AIorgiin, ,wns lwing tlotic with t,lic ohjcct of cstcnding tlic litlo\vlctlge of tlic clieniist,ry of low-tctnpcri~tiirc tnr :incl of licing of srrvicc to tlic clicinic:il industry. 'L'licy \vcrc in toiicli ivit.li tlic cliffcrciit ])COjilI2 intcrcstctl, :ind lint1 sent tlicin rnrioiis RnIiipIes froin time to tinic.A s to I)oysil)lc iises, tlic plicnols rind nciitriil oils lint1 Iwcn trictl ns iinti-tletonniits iii it~tcrt~iil-c~ti~liiistion cngincs, tlic plicnols for tlisitifcctnnts itlid for ninliing syithctic resins, nntl tlic resinoils ingrctlicnts for Incqiicrs.A vcry convincing ilcnioiistriition \viis given of tlic tffcct. 01 one of the pliciiols in nirling nipid wetting-out, o f cottoti l)y %o/, caustic sotlii for thin iiiiwcrix:ition process.After n. short discussion Prof. Kipping, iii propsing $1 vcry Iiciirty votc of t;linnks, niid 111.. l'yiiinn. who sccontletl, 1)oth p i i t triliiite to tlic great v:iliii* of Prof. Morgwi*s work, iiiid 1 . 1 1~ ttinstcrly wiy i n n4iic.h tic h i t l condcriwil RIICII ii lnrpc :iiiroiiiit of ni:itcl.inl into otic Inct.iirc.