For William Fulton on his eightieth birthdayA smooth projective variety X over a field is said to satisfy Bott vanishing if H j (X, Ω i X ⊗ L) = 0 for all ample line bundles L, all i ≥ 0, and all j > 0. Bott proved this when X is projective space. Danilov and Steenbrink extended Bott vanishing to all smooth projective toric varieties; proofs can be found in [4,7,28,15]. What does Bott vanishing mean? It does not have a clear geometric interpretation in terms of the classification of algebraic varieties. But it is useful when it holds, as a sort of preprocessing step, since the vanishing of higher cohomology lets us compute the spaces of sections of various important vector bundles. Bott vanishing includes Kodaira vanishing as a special case (where i equals n := dim X), but it says much more.For example, any Fano variety that satisfies Bott vanishing must be rigid, since H 1 (X, T X) = H 1 (X, Ω n−1 X ⊗ K * X ) = 0 for X Fano. So Bott vanishing holds for only finitely many smooth complex Fano varieties in each dimension. Even among rigid Fano varieties, Bott vanishing fails for quadrics of dimension at least 3 and for Grassmannians other than projective space [7, section 4]. As a result, Achinger, Witaszek, and Zdanowicz asked whether a rationally connected variety that satisfies Bott vanishing must be a toric variety [1, after Theorem 4].In this paper, we exhibit several new classes of varieties that satisfy Bott vanishing. First, we answer Achinger-Witaszek-Zdanowicz's question: there are non-toric rationally connected varieties that satisfy Bott vanishing, since Bott vanishing holds for the quintic del Pezzo surface (Theorem 2.1). Over an algebraically closed field, a quintic del Pezzo surface is isomorphic to the moduli space M 0,5 of 5-pointed stable curves of genus zero. It is the only rigid del Pezzo surface that is not toric: del Pezzo surfaces of degree at least 5 are rigid, and those of degree at least 6 are toric. (The quintic del Pezzo surface also does not have a lift of the Frobenius endomorphism from Z/p to Z/p 2 , a property known to imply Bott vanishing [7], [1, Proposition 7.1.4].) In view of this example, there is a good hope of finding more Fano or rationally connected varieties that satisfy Bott vanishing.We also consider varieties that are not rationally connected, with most of the paper devoted to K3 surfaces. Bott vanishing holds for abelian varieties over any field: it reduces to Kodaira vanishing, since the tangent bundle is trivial. On the other hand, Riemann-Roch shows that Bott vanishing fails for all K3 surfaces of degree less than 20 (Theorem 3.1). But recent work of Ciliberto-Dedieu-Sernesi and Feyzbakhsh [9,14] implies: Bott vanishing holds for all K3 surfaces of degree 20 or at least 24 with Picard number 1 (Theorem 3.2). Version 2 of this paper on the arXiv gave a more elementary proof, not using Feyzbakhsh's work on Mukai's program (reconstructing a K3 surface from a curve), but here we give a short proof using her work. Surprisingly, Bott vanishing fails in degree 22.More stron...