In theories with N ¼ 2 supersymmetry on R 3;1 , supersymmetric bound states can decay across walls of marginal stability in the space of Coulomb branch parameters, leading to discontinuities in the BPS indices Ωðγ; uÞ. We consider a supersymmetric index I which receives contributions from 1=2-BPS states, generalizing the familiar Witten index Trð−1Þ F e −βH . We expect I to be smooth away from loci where massless particles appear, thanks to contributions from the continuum of multiparticle states. Taking inspiration from a similar phenomenon in the hypermultiplet moduli space of N ¼ 2 string vacua, we conjecture a formula expressing I in terms of the BPS indices Ωðγ; uÞ, which is continuous across the walls and exhibits the expected contributions from single particle states at large β. This gives a universal prediction for the contributions of multiparticle states to the index I. This index is naturally a function on the moduli space after reduction on a circle, closely related to the canonical hyperkähler metric and hyperholomorphic connection on this space. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.121601 PACS numbers: 11.25.Mj, 11.25.Uv, 11.30.Pb It has been clear since the work of Seiberg and Witten [1] that extended supersymmetry gives enough control over four-dimensional quantum field theories to produce exact results on the dynamics of the theories, even when these theories are strongly interacting. Remarkably, such results are deeply related to some of the most interesting questions in the mathematics of algebraic geometry and differential geometry. As a significant example, the moduli space of a four-dimensional theory with N ¼ 2 supersymmetry on a circle is a hyperkähler manifold (a special class of manifolds satisfying Einstein's equations), whose metric encodes both instanton corrections to gauge couplings and the spectrum of Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) states in the four-dimensional theory [2]. In this Letter, we reinforce this connection, and construct a canonical function on the aforementioned moduli space, which, on the one hand, generates a solution to the self-dual Yang-Mills equations on this manifold, and, on the other hand, purportedly encodes interactions of BPS states in four dimensions.BPS indices and the Witten index.-In four-dimensional field theories on R 3;1 with N ¼ 2 supersymmetry, the spectrum of BPS states in general strongly depends on the value of the Coulomb branch parameters. Part of this dependence can be removed by considering the BPS indexwhere H 1 ðγ; uÞ is the Hilbert space of one-particle states with electromagnetic charge γ ∈ Γ in the Coulomb vacuum u, J 3 is a component of the rotation group along a fixed axis, and ð−1Þ 2J 3 is the fermionic parity by virtue of the spin statistics theorem. The BPS index Ωðγ; uÞ, being sensitive only to short multiplets saturating the BPS bound [3], is a locally constant, integer valued function of u, but it is discontinuous across certain walls in moduli space, where some of the BPS bound states with charge γ decay into multiparticle B...