TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
AbstractWater production from oil and gas reservoirs is increasing world-wide, as more reservoirs are becoming mature. In order to control water production, polymers or gels are injected into production wells to either block the flow, or to reduce water permeability. In the latter case the polymers/gels are known as relative permeability modifiers. In these treatments, a gel is often formed in-situ through a chemical reaction, creating a semi-solid material that is capable of modifying the permeability.To visualise the processes that occur during the flow of water and oil through a porous rock containing gel, experiments were conducted in transparent glass models in which the flow events can be observed. To form the gel insitu, a novel alkyl silicate gelant was used, which is soluble in the oil phase, and which, when in contact with water, reacts to convert the water phase into a gel.From the flow observations, the underlying physics can be extracted and the basic mechanisms understood (reduction in effective pore size distribution, gel-bounded water, wetting films of free water, etc.). These mechanisms were used to develop a conceptual model, which consists of three main elements: pore space (bundle of capillary tubes), occupancy of the phases (fluid and gel distribution), and flow equations.The output from the conceptual model is the capillary pressure as a function of total water saturation and end-point relative permeability.The results from this model successfully represent the disproportionate permeability reduction observed in micromodels and core experiments, verifying the mechanisms included in the model. This model may be quickly and easily used to study the influence of pore size distribution, gelant concentration, and initial water saturation, before undertaking laboratory or more complex modelling studies.