ABSTRACT. Previous work in chemical engineering literature on the determination of the effective transverse thermal conductivity and Nusselt number for forced convection in packed tubes and channels are reviewed. Discrepancies in existing Nusselt number correlation equations are discussed. Some of the existing experimental data are reanalyzed based on the recent thermal dispersion theory developed by Hsu and Cheng with variable porosity effects Iaken into considmltion in an approximate manner. Numerical results are obtained for forced convection of air and water in packed tubes and channels. For forced convection in a packed column, it is found that the avemge Nusselt number depends not only on the Reynolds number, but also on the dimensionless particle diameter, the dimensionless length of the tube, the thermal conductivity ratio of the fluid phase to the solid phase, and the Prandd number of the fluid.
IN1RODUcnONForced convection in packed tubes and channels have been the subject of intensive study in chemical engineering literature during the past six decades [I]. As early u 1931, Colbmn [2] found that the heat transfer rate for forced convection of air through a packed tube is about eight times higher than that of an empty tube. The substantial increase in the heat transfer rate hu been attributed to the mixing of fluid owing to the presence of the solid matrix known u the thermal dispersion process. During the ensuring years, more than thirty experiments have been performed on forced convection through cylindrical , annular [33][34][35]