The wall-tekd heat transfer coefficients were measued by fixing a thin constaztan foil heater on the bed wall. Thermocouples located at diffemt heigh~s on the foil show a decrease in the wall heat transfer coefficient with bed height It was seen that only a discrete particle model which accounts for the conduction between the particle and the heat transfer s h c e and the gaxonvective augmentation can adequately represent the mechanism ofheat transfer in the swuline, fluidized bed. As the jet of gas enters the bed at a certain small angle, 8, to the horizantal plane, the jet will have two componentF ofvelocity. The vatical component of the jet yelocity, wlich is given by V sin 8, will mate fluididon ofmticles, while the h h t a l c o m m a V cos 8, will cmte s\v%kg [4]. The dish7iitor used in this bed ~i~. 1. ~~~i~ ofa swirling fluidized bed, consists of overlapping blades that are truncated sectors of a circle forming an mular region for gas flow The wne in the centn. of the bed avoiak a dead zone while graduaUy inueasing the 8oss-Many of the early works on wall-bed heat k f e r in fluidized sectional area of gas flow to the fRe nubx abve the bed beds held tha[ theprhcipal resiskce to heathsfer is a fluid film and that moving fluid&d pahcles acting as ttnin~lence promoters ' To whom corresnandence should be addressed.sw1u the 6lm to reduce the resistrmce. Ihe solid particle-surface