We consider a certain tiling problem of a planar region in which there are no long horizontal or vertical strips consisting of copies of the same tile. Intuitively speaking, we would like to create a dappled pattern with two or more kinds of tiles. We give an efficient algorithm to turn any tiling into one satisfying the condition, and discuss its applications in texturing. Proposition 1.3. Let N = m 2 n 2 . There exist at least |T | N tilings which are L-dappled. Proof. We will create draughtboard tilings. For each cell (2k, 2l), choose any tile t ∈ T and put the same tile at (2k + 1, 2l + 1) (if it exists). Pick any t , t ∈ T \ {t} and put them at (2k + 1, 2l) and (2k, 2l + 1) (if they exist). One can see that for any (i, j) ∈ G m,n the tile at (i − 1, j) or (i − 2, j) is different from the one 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 52C20, 68U05.