“…The most commonly reported causes of nontraumatic hemobilia in children are infection (liver abscess, 3 4 parasitic infestation [ascariasis], 5 6 anatomical abnormalities [gastric duplication 7 ], biliary pathology [papillomatosis of the gallbladder, 8 gallbladder polyps 9 ) and bleeding disorders (von Willebrand disease). 10 Other documented nontraumatic causes that have been described in adults include tumors (malignant 11 12 or benign 13 ), systemic lupus erythematosus, 14 sarcoidosis, 15 biliary pathology (cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, choledochal cyst, 16 gallbladder ulcer 17 ), pancreatitis, and warfarin therapy ( Table 1 ).…”