We perform a systematic analysis of the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy within the microscopic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (BHF) approach using the realistic Argonne V18 nucleon-nucleon potential plus a phenomenological three body force of Urbana type. Our results are compared thoroughly to those arising from several Skyrme and relativistic effective models.The values of the parameters characterizing the BHF equation of state of isospin asymmetric nuclear matter fall within the trends predicted by those models and are compatible with recent constraints coming from heavy ion collisions, giant monopole resonances or isobaric analog states.In particular we find a value of the slope parameter L = 66.9 MeV, compatible with recent experimental constraints from isospin diffusion, L = 88 ± 25 MeV. The correlation between the neutron skin thickness of neutron-rich isotopes and the slope, L, and curvature, K sym , parameters of the symmetry energy is studied. Our BHF results are in very good agreement with the correlations already predicted by other authors using non-relativistic and relativistic effective models. The correlations of these two parameters and the neutron skin thickness with the transition density from non-uniform to β-stable matter in neutron stars are also analyzed. Our results confirm that there is an inverse correlation between the neutron skin thickness and the transition density.PACS numbers: 21.65.Cd; 21.65.Ef; 21.65.Mn 2 A well-grounded understanding of the properties of isospin-rich nuclear matter is a necessary ingredient for the advancement of both nuclear physics and astrophysics. Isospin asymmetric nuclear matter is present in nuclei, especially in those far away from the stability line, and in astrophysical systems, particularly in neutron stars. A major scientific effort is being carried out at an international level to study experimentally the properties of asymmetric nuclear systems. Laboratory measurements, such as those running or planned to run in the existing or the next-generation, radioactive ion beam facilities at CSR (China), FAIR (Germany), RIKEN (Japan), SPIRAL2/GANIL (France) and the upcoming FRIB (USA), can probe the behavior of the symmetry energy close and above saturation density [1]. Moreover, the 208 Pb Radius Experiment (PREX), scheduled to run at JLab in early 2010, should provide a very accurate measurement of the neutron skin thickness in lead via parity violating electron scattering [2]. Astrophysical observations of compact objects are also a window into both the bulk and the microscopic properties of nuclear matter at extreme isospin asymmetries [3]. The symmetry energy determines to a large extent the composition of β-stable matter and therefore the structure and mass of a neutron star [4].The empirical knowledge gathered from all these sources should be helpful in identifying the major issues arising when the isospin content of nuclear systems is altered. Reliable theoretical investigations of neutron-rich (and possibly proton-rich) systems are...