Cosmology is a young science -one which attempts to reconstruct and explain the entire history of the universe from nearly 14 billions of years ago [1]. This history must include an era of accelerated expansion, known as "inflation", which provides the most credible explanation to how causal physics in the early universe produced the large scale structures that we observe today. However, peering back so far in time is difficult and an added difficulty is that many of the theoretical pillars of physics upon which the models of inflation and gas physics at later times rest have only been proposed within the last 3 decades. That hasn't given both theoretical physicists and cosmologists much time to fully flesh out and comprehend the situation. The discovery that the expansion of the universe is accelerating is among the most significant of recent times.The current understanding is that this is probably due to the present-day universe being dominated by a cosmological constant or other fluid-like "dark energy". Several independent observations[2], including large redshift surveys [3,4], indicate that nearly 73% of the total energy density of the universe is in the form of dark energy and about 23% is in the form of non-baryonic cold dark matter particles which clump gravitationally, but which have never been directly detected. These scientific enigmas suggest we should look to new physics beyond Einstein's theory of General Relativity (GR) and the standard model of particle physics.There is no shortage of ideas for how to construct a model which is capable to produce a Robertson-Walker-type cosmology with de Sitter-type expansion. There is already a large gamut of gravitational theories that can explain a period of accelerated expansion of the universe with certain modification of Einstein's theory of general relativity [5,6]. The issue of a late epoch cosmic acceleration is not about the difficulty of finding a particular model which could mimic as the Lambda-CDM cosmology, described by Einstein gravity with a cosmological constant and minimally coupled to both the luminous (baryonic) and non-luminous (cold dark) matter.Rather, the challenge is to come up with a fully consistent theory in 4 dimensions that explains the origin of cosmic acceleration, while providing insights into some other major problems in physics, including the mass hierarchy and the cosmological constant problems.
The smoothness of the cosmic microwave background (CMB)at the surface of last scattering (∼379, 000 years after the bigbang) detected by NASA's WMAP satellites is paradoxical to the lumpiness of distribution of matter in the present universe. Further, an estimate of gravitational vacuum energy density using quantum gravity approaches reveals that our universe would double in size in every 10 -43 sec. But observations seem to indicate that our universe has doubled in size in every 1010 yrs. This leads to another paradox, which is that Λobs ∼10 -120 Λ estimate , or that why gravity is so weak on cosmological scales. space-time dimensions...