SummaryA set of reactive chemical transport calculations was performed with the Subsurface Transport Over Reactive Multiphases (STORM) code to evaluate the long-term performance of a representative lowactivity waste glass in a shallow subsurface disposal system located on the Hanford Site. Twodimensional simulations were run until the waste form release rates reached a quasi-stationary-state, usually after 2,000 to 4,000 yr. The base case for this analysis was four vertically stacked LAWA44 glass waste packages under a recharge rate of 0.9 mm yr -1 . The maximum normalized technetium release rate from LAWA44 glass under a constant recharge rate of 0.9 mm yr -1 was 0.09 Myr -1 . The unit Myr -1 stands for "per million years," indicating the rate at which the technetium, normalized by the amount originally in the four waste packages, would be released per million years. The primary difference between the waste form release simulations for the 2001 Immobilized Low Activity Waste Performance Assessment (ILAW PA) and the simulations described in this document is the number of materials considered. Whereas the ILAW PA considered only LAWABP1 glass, the current IDF PA also describes radionuclide release from three Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) glasses (LAWA44, LAWB45 and LAWC22), two bulk vitrification glasses (six-tank composite and S-109), and three grout waste forms (containing AgI, BaI 2 , and Ba(IO 3 ) 2 ). All WTP and bulk vitrification glasses perform similarly. However, the Tc-99 release from the salt in the cast refractory surrounding the bulk vitrification waste packages is 2 to 170 times higher than the glass release rate and dependent on the water recharge rate. Iodine-129 release from grouted waste forms is highly sensitive to the solubility of the iodine compound contained in the grout. The normalized iodine release rate from grout containing barium iodate is 9.1×10 -1 Myr -1 .v