ABSTIRACIThe effect of NaCl and Na2SO salinity on NO3-assimilaon in yonng barley (Horden m vlgare L var Numar) seed was studied. The induction of the NO-tranporter was affected very little the major effect of the salts was on its activity. Both a-and SO42-salts severely inhibited uptake of NO-. When compared on the basis of osmolality of the uptake solutions, a-salts were more inhibitory (15-30%) than S042-salts. At equal concentrions, SO42-salts inhibited NOj-uptake 30 to 40% more tha did a-salts. The absolute concentrabons of each io seemed more important as inhibitors of NOi-uptake than did the osmolality of the uptake solutios. Both KI and Na salts inhibited NO3-uptake similarlr, hence, the process seemed more sensitive to anionic linity than to cationic salinity.Unlike NO3-uptake, NO3-reduction was not affected by salinity in short-term studies (12 honrs). The rte of reduction of endogeos NOiin leaves of seelings gron on NaCl for 8 days decrased only 25%. Nitrte redutase activity in the salt-treated laves also decrased 20% but its activity, determined either in vitro or by the 'amerobic' in vivo assay, was always greater than the actual in sits rate of NOQ reducton.When salts were added to the assay medium, the in vitro enzymic activity was severely inhibited; whereas the anaerobic in vivo nitrate reductase activity was affected only slightly. These results indicate that in sits nitrate reductase activity is protected from salt injury. The susceptibility to injury of the NO-transporter, rather than that of the NO3-reduction system, may be a critical factor to plant survival during salt stress.The assimilation of NO3-, the predominant form of N available in an aerobic environment, is critical if plants are to adapt, grow, and reproduce in saline conditions. Not only is NO3 assimilation required for growth and development, but some of its metabolites accumulate during stress (1 1, 16, 30). It is well known that both proline (1 1, 16, 30) and betaine (10) accumulate during stress. Proline apparently originates from recently formed glutamate (5). Methylated quaternary ammonium compounds and possibly some amino acids accumulating in stressed plants could serve as osmotica for osmoregulation (10,16,30 Stargrass. In contrast, NaCI slinization had little effect on N uptake in winter barley but impaired its incorporation into the protein fraction (13). In leafdiscs ofNicotiana rustica, salt stress reduced both the uptake of L-leucine and its incorporation into proteins (3).The reported effects of salinity on N assimilation are controversial, because no studies were done that measured all of the processes of NO3-assimilation simultaneously. Measuring only uptake or internal reduced N does not yield a balance sheet needed to determine which processes are affected.This report describes the effects of salinity on the processes of NO3-assimilation.
MATERAS AND METHODSSeedling Growth. Two varieties of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), Numar and Arivat, were grown. Numar is a salt-tolerant and Arivat is a salt-sensitive variet...