Shrinking shorelines and the exposed playa of saline lakes can pose public health and air quality risks for local communities. This study combines a community science method with models to forecast future shorelines and PM10 air quality impacts from the exposed playa of the Salton Sea, near the community of North Shore, CA, USA. The community science process assesses the rate of shoreline change from aerial images collected through a balloon mapping method. These images, captured from 2019 to 2021, are combined with additional satellite images of the shoreline dating back to 2002, and analyzed with the DSAS (Digital Shoreline Analysis System) in ArcGIS desktop. The observed rate of change was greatly increased during the period from 2017 to 2020. The average rate of change rose from 12.53 m/year between 2002 and 2017 to an average of 38.44 m/year of shoreline change from 2017 to 2020. The shoreline is projected to retreat 150 m from its current position by 2030 and an additional 172 m by 2041. To assess potential air quality impacts, we use WRF-Chem, a regional chemical transport model, to predict increases in emissive dust from the newly exposed playa land surface. The model output indicates that the forecasted 20-year increase in exposed playa will also lead to a rise in the amount of suspended dust, which can then be transported into the surrounding communities. The combination of these model projections suggests that, without mitigation, the expanding exposed playa around the Salton Sea is expected to worsen pollutant exposure in local communities.