The FM01-LC is a laboratory-scale (projected area 64 cm 2 ) electrochemical cell, based on the larger (2100 cm 2 ) FM21-SP electrolyzer (INEOS Chlor-Chemicals), the latter having originally been designed for chlor-alkali processing. 1 Both of these electrochemical cells are designed with a plate-and-frame filterpress configuration; electrodes, spacers, ion-exchange membranes and gaskets are compressed between two electrically insulating end plates. The available electrode area in the FM01-LC reactor can be readily increased by building up a series of standard sized electrode plates, or by the use of additional stacks. The reactor is well suited to laboratory feasibility studies in subject areas, such as electrosynthesis, environmental treatment and redox flow cells, together with investigations of the effect of process variables on electrochemical reactions. 1,2 A number of articles on the characterization of FM01-LC reactors have been published. 1-7 Brown et al. 4 have examined the current distribution within the reactor for the reduction of cupric ions to copper metal, showing that plastic mesh turbulence promoters had the effect of smoothing out the current distribution within the cell and reducing entry effects. The same authors studied the space-averaged mass transport of the FM01-LC using the reduction of ferricyanide ion at nickel electrodes. 3 They examined the relationship between the masstransport coefficient and the mean linear flow velocity (with and without turbulence promoters). Increasing the velocity of the electrolyte increased the rate of mass transport at the expense of a higher pumping cost and a lower reactant conversion per pass. The space averaged mass-transport coefficient improved by a factor of 1.7 to 3.8. The pressure drop across the cell was small (and dominated by the restrictions imposed by the manifolds at the entrance and outlet of the cell). A study using three-dimensional (3-D) electrodes occupying the entire electrolyte channel of the FM01-LC cell has been published by the same authors, 5 the mass transport characteristics of different 3-D electrode materials were compared using the reduction of ferricyanide ion as a model reaction. The authors concluded that the FM01-LC can be easily modified to use 3-D electrodes, which allows the overall reaction rate to be enhanced by a factor of up to 100 times. The enhanced surface area was used to oxidize alcohols and, hence, synthesize carboxylic acids.Trinidad and Walsh 6 examined the effect of 3-D electrodes and turbulence promoters on the fluid-flow distribution within the FM01-LC. Deviations from the ideal plug-flow model were quantified for different reactor models by plotting the Peclet number vs. electrolyte velocity. Turbulence promoters increased the mass transport leading to a more uniform current density, with reduced entrance effects; the plug flow model was found to be applicable when suitable turbulence promoters are used. An article by the same authors 7 described the oxidation of cerous ions using the FM01-LC in a divided...