In the city of Medan, population growth is increasing. That affects the Location of settlements in the city. Riverside settlements are a way to divert townspeople to outskirt. It has many problems, caused by natural population growth and migrants (urbanization). Increasing population growth makes settlements a poor quality neighborhood. Without good planning, the settlements become spontaneous settlements and irregular. Medan Labuhan district is a district that has settlements on the river side of Deli. Medan Labuhan Sub-district has a total of 6 urban villages. This study aims to find the typology of residential areas in Deli riverside, Medan Labuhan district and to make the context of settlement concepts in Deli riverside, Medan Labuhan district. The research method used by the qualitative method. They are observation and interviews. Observations were made by observing the topology of residential areas from spontaneous settlements in Medan Labuhan. It will also be made to compare with government policies. This research contributes to knowledge about riverside settlement typology in Medan Labuhan district. This research is also useful for the Medan City Government to be able to make a clearer policy related to the rules of development in the Deli riverside area.