Herein, in situ water reflectance and TSM data obtained from several experiments on the Nanyi Lake from 2018 to 2022 and the Sentinel-3 OLCI satellite synchronization data were used to compare four atmospheric correction methods (FLAASH, 6S, ACOLITE, and C2RCC) and construct an empirical model for TSM inversion in the Nanyi Lake to analyze the spatial and temporal changes in the water quality in the Nanyi Lake from 2018 to 2023. On the Sentinel-3 OLCI data, the C2RCC algorithm showed the highest accuracy and overall performance stability (RMSE: 0.0014-0.0051 Sr −1 , MAPE: 18.44%-68.47%, and BIAS: from −3.68% to 23.63%). The highest correlation was observed between the three-band ratio (B9 + B18)/B10 and the in situ TSM; the TSM inversion model constructed based on this inversion factor showed the best accuracy for the Nanyi Lake (R 2 : 0.76, RMSE: 5.01 mg/L, and MAPE: 28.46%). The spatial and temporal changes in TSM in the Nanyi Lake exhibited significant regularity. Specifically, the TSM was higher in 2018-2019, significantly decreased in 2020, and stabilized in 2021-2023. Owing to the effects of human activities, precipitation, and illumination, seasonal variation in the TSM in the Nanyi Lake was detected, with TSM decreasing in the following order: summer > autumn > spring > winter. Concerning spatial variations, high TSM was observed in the northwest, northeast, and southeast of the Nanyi Lake reclamation area and its surrounding lake area. River confluence and human activities affected the area, leading to significant fluctuations in TSM in 2018-2023. 1