During the last years, the requirements for a fast and reliable design of electrical machines by applying optimization methods using finite element analysis (FEA), has become a subject of study. Due to their capabilities, permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSMs) have become the preference choice for many applications, including electric vehicles (EVs) propulsion, water-pumping, robotics, or renewable power generation among others. This paper presents a novel methodology for designing and optimizing PMSMs using the torque-speed-efficiency map. The design-optimization algorithm requires as input, the torque-speed-efficiency map of the target motor, to define the required performance for the given application. The objective is to find the motor geometry which better approximates the target torque-speed-efficiency map. The PMSM is evaluated by using magneto-static FEA combined with direct-quadrature (d-q) electrical modeling, thus greatly reducing the computational burden when compared to conventional time-dependent FEA methods. The magneto-static FEA method calculates iron losses taking into account the magnetic flux density harmonic content by applying a time-space conversion approach. The design-optimization process takes into account the control strategy as well as losses separation, which is validated by using the public experimental data of the Toyota Prius and Camry PMSMs. Index Terms-Permanent magnet machines, Design optimization, Design tools, Magnetic losses, Finite element analysis NOMENCLATURE Bxy Magnetic flux density in a defined region [T] dwire Wire diameter [m] Dir Inner rotor diameter [m] Dis Inner stator diameter [m] Dor Outer rotor diameter [m] Dos Outer stator diameter [m] fobj Objective function [-] g Air gap length [m] hbrg Rotor bridge height [m] hPM Permanent magnet height [m] hrib Rotor rib height [m] hso Slot opening height [m] hsy Stator yoke height [m] ht Tooth height [m] Imax Maximum current [ARMS] L Stack lamination length [m]