. 2000. Effect of water restriction and environmental temperatures on metabolic rate and physiological parameters in sheep. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 97-104. The hypothesis that water restriction reduces metabolic rate and contributes to energy conservation of sheep, and induces changes in blood parameters was tested. Four of eight adult sheep were housed in either a warm (24.8 ± 1.5°C) or cold (0.4 ± 1.2°C) environment and fed a diet of alfalfa pellets at 1.2 × maintenance. Each sheep was fasted with or without water according to a crossover design. Average heat production (HP) and rectal temperature (Tr) were higher (P < 0.05) in the cold than in the warm. Fasting decreased HP and Tr (P < 0.05). Water restriction had no additional effect on HP and Tr. Fasting and fasting plus water restriction influenced plasma osmolality and creatinine concentration. Plasma creatinine concentration was lower (P < 0.01) and haemoglobin (Hb) concentration higher in the cold than in the warm environment. Hb concentration was increased with water restriction (P < 0.01) in the warm environment. Plasma cortisol concentration was altered by fasting. Packed cell volume (PCV) in blood, plasma volume and plasma aldosterone were not affected by treatments. The results suggest that water restriction, per se, for 3 d does not suppress metabolic rate in sheep below that resulting from fasting alone. Chaque mouton était ensuite mis au jeûne pendant trois jours, avec ou sans eau, selon un dispositif avec permutation des traitements. La production de chaleur moyenne (PCh) et la température rectale (Tr) étaient plus élevées (P < 0,05) dans l'ambiance froide que dans la chaude. Le jeûne, seul ou avec restriction d'abreuvement, influait sur l'osmolarité et sur la concentration de créatinine du plasma. En outre, ce dernier paramètre était plus bas (P < 0,01) dans l'ambiance froide, alors que l'inverse s'observait pour la concentration d'hémoglobine (Hb) dans le sang. La concentration de Hb augmentait, quand l'eau était rationnée (P < 0,01), dans l'ambiance chaude. La concentration plasmatique de cortisol était modifiée par suite du jeûne de solide. L'hématocrite (HCT), le volume de plasma et la concentration d'aldostérone plasmatique ne manifestaient pas de réaction aux traitements. Il ressort des observations que à lui seul le rationnement de l'eau pendant 3 jours n'a pas plus d'effet négatif sur la thermogenèse chez le mouton que le jeûne solide seul.Mots clés: Thermogenèse, mouton, température, rationnement de l'eau Changes in the thermal environment induce a variety of physiological responses in animals (Christopherson and Kennedy 1983). Metabolic rate is increased during cold exposure in sheep (Christensen et al. 1990), and also during the period of heat stress in cattle (Miaron et al. 1995). Therefore, energy requirements of animals are increased in a cold environment and also during acute heat stress (Miaron et al. 1995). However, there is evidence that a portion of increased energy expenditure in response to environment may exceed that which...