The volume of water sufficient to cover one acre (approximately 0.4ha) of area to one foot deep (0.3m). One AF of water contains 325,851 gallons (1,234m 3 ). In California, 4 or 5 people might use one AF per year.
ARannual report. AR60 means MET's annual report for FYE60.AV assessed value. The value of land used to determine property taxes. BCP Boulder Canyon Project. A group of water projects approved and funded in the 1930s. CEO Chief Executive Officer. CFO Chief Financial Officer. cfs cubic feet per second. A measure of volumetric flow rate equivalent to a volume of one cubic foot of water flowing past a point every second. CRA Colorado River Aqueduct. Runs from Parker Dam to MET's service area. CWA California Water Agencies. Organization representing investor-owned (private) utilities. "CWAs" are people from CWA who participated in experiments in Chapters 5 and 7. DWR Department of Water Resources. California's DWR manages the SWP. FYE fiscal year ended. MET's fiscal year begins on July 1 and ends on June 30, e.g., FYE78 ends June 30 1978. GM General Manager. Both MET and member agencies have GMs-see also MAM. IID Imperial Irrigation District. KH Kurzban and Houser (2005). Inspired the experiment in Chapter 5. kWh kilowatt hour. Hairdryers and microwaves use about one kW per hour. LA City of Los Angeles. Also used in place of LADWP. xi LADWP Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. LADWP is a city member agency of MET. MAF(Y) millions of AF (per year). MAM Member Agency Manager. The GM of a member agency. "MAMs" are GMs who participated in experiments in Chapters 5 and 7. MET Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. MET is usually called "MWD," but "MET" is used to avoid confusion with "Municipal Water Districts." "METs" are MET executives who participated in experiments in Chapters 5 and 7. MWD Municipal Water District. A regional water entity that wholesales water to other water entities. MET has two types of member agency-MWDs and (retail) cities. MWDOC MWD of Orange County. MWDOC is a MWD member agency of MET. PGG public goods game. The cooperation game played in Chapter 5 is a PGG. PRs preferential rights. PSP postage stamp pricing. MET's pricing method (same price for delivery everywhere) described in Chapter 2. PtB Price to Beat. The minimum accepted price in the bid-only auction (Game 3) in Chapter 7. RHS right-hand side. RHS variables are on the right side of the equal sign in an equation. SCE Southern California Edison. SCE is an investor-owned power company. SDCWA San Diego County Water Authority. SDCWA is a MWD member agency of MET. SWP State Water Project. SWP infrastructure moves water from the Sacramento/San Joaquin Delta to Southern California and is managed by DWR. (Central Valley Project infrastructure is run by the Bureau of Reclamation and does not supply water to MET.) TAF(Y) thousands of AF (per year). UG Undergraduates. Students at UC Davis who participated in experiments in Chapters 5 and 7. xii -Machiavelli (1532) xvChapter 114 Before February of year t, the actual supply...