Reservoir management has been defined in many different ways, such as, "a sequence of resource–deployment decisions made to maintain optimum economic recovery of petroleum", "the application of available technology and knowledge to a reservoir system in order to control operations and maximize economic recovery within given management environment", "rely on use of financial, technological, and human resources, while minimizing capital investments and operating expenses to maximize economic recovery of oil and gas from a reservoir" (Thakur 1996) etc. Overall, the whole purpose of reservoir management is to help oil companies make the best decisions to meet specific objective using all the available resources.
Essentially a reservoir management & development strategy is comprised of various elements; however, the purpose of this work is to shed light at the key elements, which were recently revisited to tackle the evolving changes in reservoir conditions for a giant Abu Dhabi Field, with a development and production history of over 50 years. The intent on this paper is to share the unique methodology adopted to address the sector-based reservoir performance and to generate the relevant opportunities to tackle the pertaining issues.