Variable-temperature X-ray diffraction and 2 H NMR spectroscopy of the smectite mineral, hectorite, containing interlayer Na + , K + , Cs + , Mg 2+ , Ca 2+ , Sr 2+ , and Pb 2+ equilibrated at 43% relative humidity (RH) and mixed with 2 H 2 O to form a paste provide a comprehensive picture of the structural environments and dynamics of interlayer 2 H 2 O and the relationships of these properties to interlayer hydration state, the hydration energy and polarizability of the cation, temperature, and the formation of ice-1h in the interparticle pores. The variation in basal spacing shown by the XRD data correlates well with the 2 H NMR behavior, and the XRD data show for the first time in hectorites that crystallization of interparticle ice-1h causes a decrease in the interlayer spacing, likely due to removal of interlayer 2 H 2 O. The variation of the 2 H NMR behavior of all the samples with decreasing temperature reflects decreasing frequencies of motion for the rotation of the 2 H 2 O molecules around their dipoles, reorientation of the 2 H 2 O molecules, and exchange of the 2 H 2 O molecules between interlayer sites coordinated to and not coordinated to the cations.