Water-biomolecule interactions have been extensively studied in dilute solutions, crystals, and rehydrated powders, but none of these model systems may capture the behavior of water in the highly organized intracellular milieu. Because of the experimental difficulty of selectively probing the structure and dynamics of water in intact cells, radically different views about the properties of cell water have proliferated. To resolve this long-standing controversy, we have measured the 2 H spin relaxation rate in living bacteria cultured in D2O. The relaxation data, acquired in a wide magnetic field range (0.2 mT-12 T) and analyzed in a modelindependent way, reveal water dynamics on a wide range of time scales. Contradicting the view that a substantial fraction of cell water is strongly perturbed, we find that Ϸ85% of cell water in Escherichia coli and in the extreme halophile Haloarcula marismortui has bulk-like dynamics. The remaining Ϸ15% of cell water interacts directly with biomolecular surfaces and is motionally retarded by a factor 15 ؎ 3 on average, corresponding to a rotational correlation time of 27 ps. This dynamic perturbation is three times larger than for small monomeric proteins in solution, a difference we attribute to secluded surface hydration sites in supramolecular assemblies. The relaxation data also show that a small fraction (Ϸ0.1%) of cell water exchanges from buried hydration sites on the microsecond time scale, consistent with the current understanding of protein hydration in solutions and crystals. biomolecular hydration ͉ buried water molecules ͉ Escherichia coli ͉ Haloarcula marismortui ͉ in vivo NMR W ater, the ubiquitous biosolvent, mediates or modulates the intermolecular forces that govern the self-assembly of biological cells, it controls the rates of substrate diffusion and conformational transitions, and it participates in molecular recognition and enzyme catalysis (1-4). It is therefore imperative to characterize and understand any differences between cell water and bulk water. Biopolymers and other solutes make up one-third of the mass of a typical cell, so this difference could be substantial. The few experimental techniques that can monitor the molecular properties of water in vivo have suffered from interpretational ambiguities, allowing widely discordant views about cell water structure and dynamics to coexist for a long time (5-7). NMR spectroscopy can provide information about cell water via the spin relaxation times of the dominant water-1 H signal (8, 9). In fact, tissue-specific variations in water relaxation times provided the impetus for developing magnetic resonance imaging (10). Unfortunately, the interpretation of water-1 H relaxation data from biological samples is confounded by crossrelaxation, intermolecular paramagnetic couplings, and protonexchange modulation of the nuclear shielding (11,12). Here, we circumvent these complications by measuring the relaxation rate of the longitudinal water-2 H magnetization from cells cultured in D 2 O. We have chosen to study...