Surface water and precipitation samples were taken from Bjerncaya Island and analysed for various constituents. The ion contents of the waters are related to the different kinds of rock found in this area. An ettempt has been made to calculate the evaporation from the concentrations of different ions. An approximate evaporation rate of 72 04, has been found, which corresponds to meteorological estimations. Norske meteorologiske institutt Arsbok. 1964, 1965, 1966. Oslo. Penman, H. L. 1948. Natural evaporation from open water, bare soil and grass. Royal SOC. London Proc., Ser. A, vol. 193. Odum, H. & Christensen, W. 1936. Danske grundvandstyper og deres geologiske Optraeden. DGU 111 Raekke, No. 26. V O~. 111, pp. 468-478.Fig. 10. Evaporation sodium in relation to chlorid in waters group I.Uncorrected: -, y =0.811z + 14.8, n = 17, r =0.96. Corr. -1 mg 1-1: ...., y=0.904~+6.77,n-17,r=0.
96.Corr. -2 mg 1-l: -, y = 0 . 9 9 9~-1 . 3 8 , n -= 1 7 , r = 0 . 9 6 .Pig. 11. Evaporation sodium in relation to chlorid in waters group 11.TJncorrected: -, y = 0 . 6 5 8~+ 2 8 . 2 2 , n = l O , r = 0 . 8 5 . Corr. -3.5 mg I-I: 0 ...., y-O.962z+ 0.89, n=10, r=0.95. Corr. -7 mg1-1:*-,y=1.234z-24.20,n=10, r=0.90. A---, y=l.l96z-12.86, n=10, r=O.98.
Corr. hyperbolic:Tellus X X I (1969), 1