Updates to CE-QUAL-W2 Models for Select U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Reservoirs in Northwestern OregonAs part of the model updates described in this report, some model parameters were adjusted to improve stability or decrease model error, and boundary conditions including meteorological, hydrologic, and temperature inputs were developed and updated for model years 2011, 2015, and 2016, as necessary. In some cases, the data sources used to drive previous model versions were no longer available, which required the development and checking of new data sources or estimation techniques. Goodness-of-fit statistics for outflow from the dams and in simulated river reaches generally show a good model fit, with the models simulating subdaily water temperatures at most comparable locations with a mean absolute error of generally less than 1 degree Celsius (°C) and a reasonably low bias. Model simulation of the thermal vertical profiles in each reservoir also produced an overall mean absolute error of generally less than 1 °C for all 3 years, with the exception of the Hills Creek Lake Model and the Cougar Reservoir Model in years when the reservoirs did not fill (2015 and 2016). Both of these models have known calibration issues and tend to be sensitive to the choice of certain structural parameters in the model. Overall, the calibration process was focused on obtaining model settings that led to realistic water temperature predictions in all 3 years (2011, 2015, and 2016) without over-calibrating specifically to any single year. A complete investigation of model error for these reservoir submodels was beyond the scope of this investigation but could be undertaken in the future if better model performance for these two reservoirs is desired.