the intact root. If there were such a pathway, either in these areas or across the Casparian band itself, roots would have to be treated as a system composed of two parallel pathways (a cell-to-cell and an apoplasmic path). It is demonstrated that this "composite transport model of the root" allows integration of severa1 transport properties of roots that are otherwise difficult to understand, namely (a) the differences between osmotic and hydrostatic water flow, (b) the dependence of root hydraulic resistance on the driving force or water flow across the root, and (c) low reflection coeffi-C h t S of roots.The effects of puncturing the endodermis of young maize roots (zea mays 1.) on their transport properties were measured using the root pressure probe. Small boles with a diameter of 18 to 60 pm were created 70 to 90 mm from the tips of the roots by pushing fine glass tubes radially into them. Such wounds injured about 10-2 to 10-~% of the total surface ares of the endodermis, which, in these hydroponically grown roots, had developed a Casparian band but no suberin lamellae. The small injury to the endodermis caused the original root pressure, which varied from 0.08 to 0.19 MPa, to decrease rapidly (half-time = 10-100 s) and substantially to a new steady-state value between 0.02 and 0.07 MPa. The radial hydraulic conductivity (Lp,) of control (uninjured) roots determined using factor of 10 than that determined using osmotic gradients (aver-2.2 X 10-* m s-' MPa-'; osmotic solute: NaCI). Puncturing the conductivities measured by either method. Thus, the endodermis was not rate-limiting root Lp,: apparently the hydraulic resistance of roots was more evenly distributed over the entire root tissue.However, puncturing the endodermis did substantially change the reflection (uJ and permeability ( P d coefficients of roots for NaCI, indicating that the endodermis represented a considerable barrier to the flow of nutrient ions. Values of ur. decreased from 0.64 to 0.41 (average) and P