Determining the intensity of the water balance components in the control volume of a soil, and consequently defining the most likely periods of occurrence of a water deficit in a crop, is an exercise that requires knowledge about soil, climate and plant factors. This research aimed to evaluate soil water balance components at phenological stages of corn (Zea mays L.) under no-till system, when fertilized with 60, 120, and 180 kg ha -1 of nitrogen. Runoff was not taken into account. Measurements were made for precipitation (P), internal drainage (D) (or capillary rise) at a 0.8 m depth, and water storage variation (Δh) in the soil layer from 0.0-0.80 m; actual evapotranspiration (ET) was considered the unknown quantity of the equation. Corn grain yield was evaluated as well. In general, the soil water balance components were modified by N doses, because the soil had been relatively smaller Δh in treatments involving N application than in the treatment without N, resulting in smaller D values in those treatments, which resulted in greater absorption by the plants and greater ET. As expected, the plant developmental stage II had a higher ET value. Key words: internal drainage, hydraulic conductivity, actual evapotranspiration, tensiometer, no-till system
DOSES DE NITROGÊNIO E COMPONENTES DO BALANÇO HÍDRICO EM FASES FENOLÓGICAS DO MILHORESUMO: Determinar a intensidade dos componentes do balanço de água no solo num certo volume de controle de solo e, por conseguinte, a definição dos períodos mais prováveis de déficit hídrico para a cultura, está relacionada ao conhecimento de fatores do solo, do clima e da planta. Avaliaram-se componentes da equação do balanço de água no solo para fases fenológicas do milho (Zea mays L.), sob sistema de plantio direto, adubado com 60, 120 e 180 kg ha