We trap neutral ground-state rubidium atoms in a macroscopic trap based on purely electric fields. For this, three electrostatic field configurations are alternated in a periodic manner. The rubidium is precooled in a magneto-optical trap, transferred into a magnetic trap and then translated into the electric trap. The electric trap consists of six rod-shaped electrodes in cubic arrangement, giving ample optical access. Up to 10 5 atoms have been trapped with an initial temperature of around 20 microkelvin in the three-phase electric trap. The observations are in good agreement with detailed numerical simulations.PACS numbers: 32.80. Pj, 32.60.+i, 39.25.+k Trapping is essential in many modern experiments in physics. A trap allows the interaction time of the trapped species with other particles or fields to be greatly extended. Trapping enabled breakthrough experiments with ions, atoms and molecules. Each newly demonstrated trap paved the way for new classes of experiments. Thus far, electric traps for neutral polarizable particles have received relatively little attention. They have first been proposed for excited (Rydberg) atoms [1] and, later, for ground-state atoms [2,3]. Ground-state particles lower their energy in electric fields. Hence these particles are attracted by high fields ("high-field seekers"). Since Maxwell's equations don't allow the creation of an electrostatic maximum in free space, timedependent (pseudo-electrostatic or "AC") fields are required for trapping, a principle well known from ion traps. Only recently, two-dimensional [4] and threedimensional [5] versions of AC traps have been demonstrated with cold polar molecules having a large and linear Stark shift. For polar molecules, these traps offer the advantage of a deep trapping potential, which can trap both low-and high-field seeking states. Using laser-cooled strontium atoms, the Katori group has demonstrated a chip version of an AC electric trap with the motivation of performing precision spectroscopy for metrology [6].In this Letter we report on an experiment where lasercooled rubidium atoms are trapped in a macroscopic AC electric trap. This result opens the perspective of confining cold molecules and atoms in the same spatial region for the purpose of using the optically cooled atoms as a coolant for the molecules. For this, a large volume of several mm 3 , ample optical access and a relatively deep effective potential depth are essential. The geometry of our trap is in essence the one proposed in [2,3] with rectangular driving. Our trap is a three-phase trap, i.e., a full cycle of its operation can be divided in three differ- *