Received XX Month XXXX; revised XX Month, XXXX; accepted XX Month XXXX; posted XX Month XXXX (Doc. ID XXXXX); published XX Month XXXX Lasers based on Cr 2+ -doped II-VI material, often known as the Ti:Sapphire of the mid-infrared, can directly provide few-cycle pulses with super-octave-spanning spectra, and serve as efficient drivers for generating broadband midinfrared radiation. It is expected that the wider adoption of this technology benefits from more compact and costeffective embodiments. Here, we report the first directly diode-pumped, Kerr-lens mode-locked Cr 2+ -doped II-VI oscillator pumped by a single InP diode, providing average powers of over 500 mW and pulse durations of 45 fsshorter than six optical cycles at 2.4 µm. These correspond to a sixty-fold increase in peak power compared to the previous diode-pumped record, and are at similar levels with respect to more mature fiber-pumped oscillators. The diode-pumped femtosecond oscillator presented here constitutes a key step towards a more accessible alternative to synchrotron-like infrared radiation, and is expected to accelerate research in laser spectroscopy and ultrafast infrared optics.