The Oum Er-Rbia estuary is located on the Atlantic littoral of Morocco. It undergoes severe clogging due to the sand deposition in its outlet. The current study examined the indicators of the morphodynamic evolution in the littoral system including the Oum Er-Rbia estuary and the neighboring beaches over 1970-2017. The methodology adopted was based on the analysis and the interpretation of aerial photographs and Google Earth images under a GIS environment and field work. The morphodynamic evolution was discussed by taking into account the evolution of hydraulic facilities installed in the watershed area, especially the construction of dams, as well as the dredging works in the Oum Er-Rbia estuary. The results highlight the morphologic evolution estimated in terms of surface units observed in the estuary and the neighboring beaches. The evolution of the littoral system was mainly influenced by the closest dam location and by the dredging works, in addition to the regulation of the river flow by the installation of hydraulic facilities upstream.anthropogenic factors such as hydraulic facilities, engineering works of protection and rehabilitation, dredging, etc. [6][7][8][9][10].The bathymetry and the morphology of an intertidal plain and transversal section of a shallow bottom estuary cause a tide asymmetry that affects the flow duration, compared to the ebb time, and the celerity of the tide current [1,2,[10][11][12]. In coastal environments, the waves generate coastal currents that interact with incident waves and lead to the sediment transportation and the process is favored when the angle between the waves and the coastal line is significant [13][14][15][16]. As a response to coastal hydrodynamics, the alternation of sedimentation and erosion processes in the estuary can generate net sedimentary balances through a tide cycle [17,18].The installation of hydraulic reservoirs in upstream areas affects the hydrodynamic equilibrium and sedimentary balances downstream, due to the flood water regulation and the decrease of the solid sediments supply [19][20][21][22][23][24][25]. Blott) [26] concluded that the morphodynamic evolution of Mersey estuary in England through a period of 150 years was mainly controlled by engineering and rehabilitation works, such as the construction of training walls and dredging. Besides, the importance of other factors, notably sea level change, tide amplitude, wave current, and supply of fresh water was relatively reduced [26].The perturbation of estuarine hydrodynamics is permanently regulated by morphologic transformations through sedimentation and erosion processes mobilized to re-establish the hydrodynamic equilibrium [21,22,27]. The morphodynamic change concerns the estuary outlet, the main channel, and the intertidal plains [19,20,28]. In addition, the morphodynamic change in the estuary affects the morphology of neighboring littoral areas and, consequently, causes the shoreline fluctuation [3,[29][30][31]. Numerous works have analyzed the morphologic evolution of coastal systems t...