geophysical sphere, which largely motivates this study, fluxes of momentum and scalars across the wavy air-sea interface provide boundary conditions for both the atmosphere and the oceans and are therefore, pivotal in controlling the evolution of weather and climate. These fluxes are affected by fine-scale, coupled dynamics above and below the wavy ocean surface. In fact, the surface waves significantly modify the boundary layers on both sides of the interface and it is now well established that it is through waverelated dynamical processes that the air and water boundary layers are coupled (see Sullivan and McWilliams (2010) for a review on the topic).On the water side, for example, it has been shown that the interaction between the wave-induced Lagrangian mass transport, i.e. the Stokes drift, and the surface shear current, leads to the generation of Langmuir circulations, causing significant mixing of the water column (Skyllingstad and Denbo 1995;McWilliams et al. 1997;Noh et al. 2005;Li et al. 2005;Harcourt and D'Asaro 2008; Grant and E 2009;Veron et al. 2009;Kukulka et al. 2010;Belcher et al. 2012;D'Asaro 2014). When surface waves break, the turbulence injected into the water column also significantly enhances surface mixing Melville et al. 1998;Veron and Melville 1999;Melville et al. 2002;Thorpe et al. 2003;Gemmrich and Farmer 2004) and leads to substantial deviations from the classical theories (Agrawal et al. 1992;Thorpe 1993;Melville 1994;Anis and Moum 1995;Melville 1996;Terray et al. 1996; Veron and Melville 2001) and causes significant energy dissipation (Banner et al. 2014;Thomson et al. 2016;Schwendeman et al. 2014;Zappa et al. 2016; Melville 2013, 2015).On the air side, it is clear that surface wave processes also play an important role in the kinematics and dynamics of the boundary layer (e.g. Janssen 1989; Komen et al. 1994;Belcher and Hunt 1998;Hristov et al. 1998; Abstract Physical phenomena at an air-water interface are of interest in a variety of flows with both industrial and natural/environmental applications. In this paper, we present novel experimental techniques incorporating a multi-camera multi-laser instrumentation in a combined particle image velocimetry and laser-induced fluorescence system. The system yields accurate surface detection thus enabling velocity measurements to be performed very close to the interface. In the application presented here, we show results from a laboratory study of the turbulent airflow over wind driven surface waves. Accurate detection of the wavy air-water interface further yields a curvilinear coordinate system that grants practical and easy implementation of ensemble and phase averaging routines. In turn, these averaging techniques allow for the separation of mean, surface wave coherent, and turbulent velocity fields. In this paper, we describe the instrumentation and techniques and show several data products obtained on the air-side of a wavy air-water interface.