Abstract. A first theoretical study for neutrino-induced diffractive productions of heavy pseudoscalar-mesons, η c and η b , off a nucleon is performed based on factorization formalism in QCD. We evaluate the forward diffractive production cross section in perturbative QCD in terms of the light-cone wave functions of Z boson and η c,b mesons, and the gluon distribution of the nucleon. The diffractive production of η c is governed by the axial vector coupling of the longitudinally polarized Z boson to QQ pair, and the resulting η c production cross section is larger than the J/ψ one by one order of magnitude. The bottomonium η b production, which shows up for higher beam energy, is also discussed.Exclusive diffractive leptoproductions of neutral vector mesons provide unique insight into an interplay between nonperturbative and perturbative effects in QCD. The diffractive processes are mediated by the exchange of a Pomeron with the vacuum quantum numbers, whose QCD description is directly related to the gluon distributions inside the nucleons for small 2,3]. The processes also allow us to probe the lightcone wave functions (WFs) of the vector mesons. Relating to the latter point, however, the applicability is apparently limited to probing the neutral vector mesons due to the vector nature of the electromagnetic current.In this talk, we propose the exclusive diffractive productions of mesons in terms of the neutrino beam. The weak currents allow us to observe both neutral and charged mesons by Z and W boson exchanges, and these mesons can be not only vector but also other types of mesons including pseudoscalar mesons. Thus, such processes may reveal structure of various kinds of mesons, the coupling of the QCD Pomeron to quark-antiquark pair with various spin-flavor quantum numbers, and also information on the CKM matrix elements. There already exist some experimental data for π, ρ,, and J/ψ production [4], although the amount of the data is not enough. On the other hand, there are only a few theoretical calculations, e.g., for the J/ψ production in a vector meson dominance model [7] and for D − s production with the generalized parton density [8]. Here, our interest will be directed to diffractive productions of heavy pseudoscalar mesons, η c and η b . So far η c has been observed via the decays of J/ψ or B mesons produced by pp and e + e − reactions, while η b has not been observed. The diffractive productions via the weak neutral current will give a direct access to η c as well as a new experimental method to identify η b by e.g. measuring the two photon decay.Diffractive heavy pseudoscalar-meson productions by weak neutral currents September 26, 2017 1