We present experimental results of heat transfer processes in mixed-convective ow from a ducted vertical hot-plate thermal ow sensor for aiding (upward) and opposing (downward)ows. The results are obtained for three different Grashof numbers, Gr 289, 411, and 456, using air, in the Reynolds number range from 0 to 120.
The Nusselt number for aiding ows can be adequately described by NutotNu 0 (Nu n forced Nu n free ) 1/n , with Nu 0 0.5, as originally proposed by Churchill for a free at plate. For n, a value of 1.5-1.7 is found.
For opposing ows in the mixed-ow region (0.1 Gr/Re 2 10), ow visualization shows an oscillating buoyant plume around the at plate. In the transition from free to mixed and to essentially forced convection, distinct sequences of instabilities of this plume are observed, leading to several local minima and maxima in the heat transfer from the plate. The results are summarized in a bifurcation diagram. Here, several windows with instabilities are found, both nonperiodic, with strong indications of chaotic behavior, and (quasi-) periodic. Typical fundamental frequencies of the instabilities range from 0.15 to 1 Hz.We thank students S. Rodts and K. Vermeer for their assistance in setting up the semiautomated measuring system. Dr. C. J. Stam is acknowledge d for pointing out reference [28], the references therein, and for valuable discussions about nonlinear time-series analysis.