Expressions to describe the correlation length scales of turbulent inflow to an aerodynamic body are derived as functions of the classic integral length scale and anisotropy correction factors. These one-point parameters are significantly easier to determine experimentally than traditional correlation-scale measurement techniques, which involve multiple probes at multiple locations. As such correlation scales are necessary to properly estimate the aeroacoustic response of the body, such a technique could have substantial benefit in a wide variety of applications. The approach is applied to a recent experimental study examining the response of a stator downstream of a propeller that is itself ingesting broadband turbulence. Results suggest that the derived expressions not only accurately represent correlation length scales, but also enable the accurate prediction of the acoustic output of the stator.
Nomenclaturevector of quantity i i 1 = quantity i in the freestream direction i 2 = quantity i in the direction normal to airfoil (stator) surface i 3 = quantity i in the spanwise direction of airfoil (stator) surface i ∞ = freestream quantity i * = complex conjugate of quantity i k = wave number L i = geometric length scale M = Mach number q = dynamic pressure R i j = correlation function between turbulent velocity components u i and u j r = separation distance between two points Se = aerodynamic response function (Sears function) U = mean velocity component u = turbulent velocity component x = flow location (position) α c , β c = anisotropy scaling factors β = angle between acoustic source and receiver, measured with respect to dipole axis γ 2 = coherence function δ = Dirac delta function , 1 = classic turbulence integral length scale i | j = turbulence correlation scale of jth component of velocity in ith direction ρ 0 = density of fluid ii = autopower spectrum in the ith direction ii (r) = cross-power spectrum in the ith direction (separated by distance r)p rad = radiated far-field acoustic pressure φ ii (r) = nondimensional cross-spectral density function of turbulence in the ith direction (separated by distance r) ω = gust or event frequency (=2π f )